Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You Gotta Have Faith

" I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be." Douglas Adams

As a yoga teacher, I often tell my students to set intentions. As a mother, I often tell my children to act with good intentions. As a person, I often think, "that was not my intention at all." There was a time in my life when I seemed intent only on reaching total self-destruction. I thank God everyday that I didn't get there. So, how did I get here instead of there? Who set this intention for my life? Who's driving this car anyway? God, My Higher Self, My Guardian Angel, some haloed stunt car driver? I don't have a definitive answer. I think that's where faith comes in. Though I may not be where I intended to be, I have faith that I am right where I am supposed to be. I also have faith that I am headed in the right direction. In two days, that direction is Uganda, a place that my heart's compass seems determined to point me towards. The past month has tested my faith in this compass. Could it be broken? Perhaps it is supposed to be pointing towards the South of France instead. I've actually asked God a few times whether he/she is testing my faith or my stupidity. Each time an obstacle is put in my path, I wonder whether it is a sign to turn around or find the strength to go forward despite all obstacles. I am stubborn by birth, it is part of my DNA much like Coca Cola, Crawfish Boils, Quarter Horses, Willie Nelson, World Travel, and Helping Others. I thank my parents for all of it---even the stubbornness. I choose to think stubbornness is just another word for faith. I have got faith, and so I keep moving forward to Uganda, a place where I am intended to go. And in two weeks, I have faith that I will end up back where I am intended to return...with my family and friends.
Until then, Keep the faith y'all.

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