Friday, May 20, 2011

A Rose by Any Name

"I like people who teach me things." Rose Allen Kraft

I believe in signs. I see them everywhere. I like to think God sprinkles little breadcrumbs for us to follow, but most of us rarely take the time to notice them. One day about 5 years ago, I was driving down a dirt road in Tumalo, Oregon when God sent me a sign I couldn't ignore. I stopped in front a view that took my breath away. I could feel my heart expand to take it in. I called Jeff and said I'd found our dream property. Never mind that it wasn't for sale, never mind that we couldn't afford a farm. I believed in the sign, and oh what a sign it turned out to be. Rose Allen Kraft was nearing 90 when we first met her and asked whether she might like to sell us her farm. It was love at first sight. Rose and her late husband had been teachers who took year-long sabbaticals and traveled the world. She taught school in Afghanistan, wrote the Ugandan Girl Scout's Manual, and most recently traveled along the Siberian Railroad at the age of 92. She became my role model, my surrogate grandmother, and one of my true soul mates. Grandma Rose passed away a week ago today. At 94, she decided she'd had enough. As I embark on my journey back to Uganda, I can feel her presence urging me onward, "God gave you wings so you could fly," she once told me. She also reminded me that Jeff is the one who tends the nest while I am away. So I am flying away and Jeff is home tending the nest, which now includes the 40 acre Rose Allen Ranch where I received one of the greatest God-given gifts of my lifetime, Rose. I dedicate this trip to you, Rose. Thank you for teaching me so many things.

I never kicked a door down, but if it was open, I walked through it.
Don’t judge a culture by their plumbing.
I’m long suffering, but when I’ve had enough, you know it.
There is great wisdom among all it out.
Love everyone – don’t leave anyone out.


  1. That last one sounds like the familiar Jeff mandate..."Everybody love

  2. Thank you for sharing this Amanda. Safe travels friend.
