Thursday, January 21, 2010

Small Things

Mother Theresa said "we can do no great things, just small things with great love."

I received a box of baby blankets this week from a yoga studio in Minnesota, which I offered to take to the birthing center in Uganda. When I first saw the big box, I thought, "there goes my plan to pack light." Then, I realized that packing light isn't always the goal. Sometimes we need to see just how much we can carry on. These baby blankets aren't going to solve any world problems. Each baby who receives one is not guaranteed to live a healthy and happy life. But wrapping a newborn child in love is one small thing that we can do to start creating a better world. I'm off to find another duffle.

1 comment:

  1. u are incredibly inspiring miss amanda - that just made me cry. we will all be thinking of u and reading about your incredible trip.
    thank u for sharing - xoxo, alicia
