Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chindi Chindi

"It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks..." Helen Keller

My friend Jenny sent me that quote as a send-off. It popped into my head tonight as I was trying to follow Derreck, my 11 year old teacher from Breakdance Project Uganda. "You came back", he half said half asked when he saw me. I told him I was determined to learn some of his moves. He didn't hesitate to start teaching them to me. We threw down some top rope and added some footwork (I'm even learning the lingo). Then we went down to the floor. That's usually where all the fun acrobatic stunts take place.I suddenly felt unprepared for the task. I knew going to the practice tonight would challenge me, would stretch my comfort zone as well as my hamstring muscles. I get very self-conscious when people see me dance. I feel exposed for the white-n-nerdy yoga teacher i am. I looked at Derreck, this kid was taking his time to share the gift of his teaching with me. I had to find the powers to receive it. I mangled some of his smooth moves, but I managed to pull off a tiny freeze, basically a long hold arm balance, thanks to my yoga practice. Once I stopped judging myself to be this or that, I realized that I am what I am. Abramz taught me to say it, :"Chindi Chindi." I am a white-n-nerdy lacrosse mom yoga teacher b-girl in Uganda. I got the power for ail that. I don't have to stand on the sidelines watching other folks dance. I can throw my moves into the mix. I've got the power. Chindi Chindi.

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