Thursday, January 14, 2010

How I Became a Bull Fighter & Blogger...

Hemmingway wrote "Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bull-fighters."

I created Witness Your World because I want to live my life all the way up. My first Witness Your World project has been to raise funds and awareness for issues facing women and children in Uganda. In three weeks, I will be traveling there with Off the Mat, Into the World to help build a birthing center and schoolhouse outside of Kampala. This blog is my way of sharing the experience with my family and friends who believed in me and inspired me to step into the ring. Let the blogs begin. Olé.


  1. Hemmingway can keep his bloody, torturous hero, I'll keep Amanda, she's my idea of a hero: baby swaddling, yoga mat toting, globetrotting caregiver. Thanks for the inspiration not to grow up but to live up!

  2. Wow! Inspired by you and excited for your trip. Thank you for arranging for a way to keep in touch while you are there. And I love instead of the growing up you live up. Beautiful! Words to live by!
